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Hot or Cold Gel Compress

Hot or Cold Gel Compress

Regular price $10.00 NZD
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Gel packs, designed for heat and cold therapy, replace old-fashioned hot water bottles and electric heating pads.

  • Cold therapy is helpful for reducing swelling and inflammation.
  • Heat therapy helps relieve pain, including localized arthritic pain.
  • Pain relief is important for people with arthritis. 
  • 12.7 x 25.4cm (5 x 10")
  • 20 x 30cm (7.9 x 11.8")


For hot therapy, place the compress flat in microwave, set power level to high. Microware in 700 to 800 wattage, heat up no more 50 seconds. Increases or decreases heating time to 10 second intervals to reach in desired temperature. To heat without a microwave, place the compress in a basin. Pour boiling water over it, keep the compress in the water for 2 minutes or more to have it heated sufficiently. Use tongs to remove from basin.
For cold therapy, store compress in freezer for a minimum of one hour before use, or keep one compress in freezer for instant use.

Keep away from extreme heat and open flame. Store in a dry place. 

Compress can reach a high / low temperature. Wrap the compress with a cloth or towel before application to bare skin. People with known or suspected circulatory problems should not use a hot or cold compress except under the direct supervision of a doctor. If hot or cold therapy becomes uncomfortable, remove compress for a few moments, then re-therapy.

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